Embed a Data-Driven, Continuous Cost Optimisation Culture in Your Organisation

Historically, IT departments look to periodically reduce their costs; typically, by undertaking a cost-cutting review. Often these focus on obvious areas of high cost or low complexity. These can include: focusing on large IT contracts, hoping to renegotiate for desirable terms; reducing technical staff, hoping others in the team will be able to cover their work. These are traditional quick wins, but are often the only areas addressed. This is due to a lack of readily available information with which to help make cohesive, often complex decision making. There is a great fear in IT of touching anything, when you don’t know what it does. Nobody wants to turn off an old application, that probably does not cost much and probably does nothing, only to see the core IT Service grinding to a halt! The issue is that over time, a large company could end up with 10s or 100s of these applications, so the notion that they don’t cost much does not ring true.
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